Wednesday 3 October 2007

General chat

I'm now one week into fourth year, and it's been a bit of a farce with various 'careers day' sessions etc. that would have been better placed in third year. I got back from a team building session last week. It was kinda fun, but after spending 6 weeks away on field work I just want to spend one week in my own flat!
Gareth is doing ok with his leg, and he gets his cast off on his birthday (9th October). Sucks that he'll be in hospital for his birthday, but at least his leg will be liberated - though possibly recast again.
Willow had a major sulk with me because I gave her a bath two days ago and I'm just starting to be forgiven. I also groomed her and there must have been enough fur to make a second Willow out of it!
I went to the Doc's on Monday (after putting it off for four months) as I've been feeling a bit odd. The headiness etc. has progressed to forgetfulness and losing track of conversations. The Doc seems to think it's stress related, but I've had a blood test for thyroid, glucose, liver and kidney function and infection (all standard!) just in case. I should probably take this as an indication my body wants me to slow down - not good timing with fourth year just starting! I should get the results this Monday coming.
I also went back to Kung Fu for the first time in over two months yesterday. Ouch!

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