Friday 5 October 2007

Saint Willow

After her less than obedient swiping of the pizza, Willow must have decided that some sucking up was due. Getting home yesterday at 5:30pm after spending 8 hours doing PCR, and forgetting my lunch (long day on a mueslie bar and a Mars bar!) Gareth and I decided to get fish and chips for supper. I figured it would be best to run Willow first as she hadn't been out for three days. I didn't think she would get far (we're re-training her lead work as she pulls a lot and it involves a lot of abandaned walks if she pulls too much), especially as I have to carry her over our steps at the moment as someone smashed the bus shelter outside out flat and there is glass everywhere, and the excitement of that would normally be too much for her. Instead, she was the epitomy of obedience. She never pulled once, and was out for forty five minutes. By which time Gareth and I were starving. Maybe it wasn't sucking up but her cunning plan all along...

1 comment:

Paula said...

I love that dog!