Wednesday 24 October 2012

Midwife appointment

I had a midwife appointment today and everything is going well.  I'm measuring spot on for my dates and Little Parasite's heartbeat is still very strong. It's also moved into a head-down position. Of course, knowing how much LP moves, I imagine it's back in breech now.  When the midwife palpitated my stomach to check the position, LP kicked her out of the way!  The midwife commented on how active the baby was (you could see lots of movement without having to place a hand anywhere to feel).  I hope LP isn't overdue, because at this rate I'm going to end up with internal bruising!
Gareth and I have our first antenatal class next week, so that should be interesting.  Although this one's about using car seats, so maybe not that interesting.

Pregnancy yoga is still great, and is really helping my back.  I sometimes do some of the stretches in the toilet cubicles at work when my back is particularly sore!  Mostly, I've enjoyed having a couple of hours each week to totally unwind and relax.
I've stopped running now as it was getting too uncomfortable.  Without an intense workout, I feel really unfit, especially since the heavy load that is my baby makes it feel like I've run a mile when I've only walked up some stairs. All perfectly normal, but I don't like it!

In other news, things are finally moving forward on the house front, although I am reticent about getting excited about an actual completion date - typical inter-solicitor bantering causing delays.

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