Sunday 21 October 2012

31 weeks pregnant

Single digit countdown! I now have 9 weeks till Little Parasite arrives.  The last few months have flown by at an alarming pace.
My midwife called me last week to let me know I have borderline low iron in my blood.  I've been taking iron tablets since then and my energy levels have been increasing.  I'm glad the tiredness is subsiding as I have so much to do with the house move!
For the last week I've been craving sugar.  I'm not sure that it's an actual pregnancy craving as such, but it's not just a case of fancying a biscuit either.  Gareth did a bit of research and found that craving sugar in the last trimester isn't uncommon.  The baby's brain is rapidly developing over this time, and glucose helps with neuronal growth.  It's as good an excuse as any to indulge in some Cadbury's Fruit and Nut!

My bump grew a lot between weeks 30 and 31, and I have finally had to stop wearing my regular t-shirts (which I have probably ruined through stretching now anyway).  My bump is just starting to feel cumbersome now, and bending down is getting annoying - there is a human in the way.
I've also had to change my driving position since I now get wedged in behind the wheel if I use my usual position.

Things I'm looking forward to in 9 weeks (apart from meeting Little Parasite!):
1.  Drinking coffee - now the smell doesn't make me feel ill, I really miss it!
2.  Exercise properly - I miss crunches!
3.  Cycling - though I doubt I'll be leaping on a bike the day after giving birth...
4.  Sleeping on my front - currently I flip from my side to my back like a landed mackerel
5.  Being able to see my dogs when I train presents:

This is my current view of Tangent when
training presents.

 And my view of Willow.  She tries to keep eye contact
when doing presents, and can't keep seem to resist
trying to peek over my bump at me.

I think my belly shots for the last couple of weeks show a definite growth spurt...

30 weeks pregnant.

31 weeks pregnant...

 31 weeks pregnant.
Where the Hell did that come from!


Anonymous said...

Amazing Lainey, look at that cute accessory bump ;) I realise it probably doesn't feel like it, but you look like one of those stylish pregnant ladies that just have a wee bump to demonstrate the pregnancy! Nat xxx

Lainey said...

Thanks! Still a bit of growing to go yet though :)

Paula said...

You're definitely growing! You look lovely. Love the present pics!

9 weeks....eek, I'd better get knitting!!!

Lainey said...

Thank you. I like the present shots too. Shame about the glare though!

Anonymous said...

It still looks a very neat bump, the present shots are great.


Fi said...

Don't look forward too much to sleeping on your front when the baby arrives - I did the same but your boobs fill with milk and become really tender! I was *really* annoyed by this when I had my two! I thought it only fair to warn you. Oh, and I am not some completely random person perving over your pregnancy pictures - I am a friend of Paula's and happened upon your blog which is linked from hers. Hope the rest of the pregnancy (and everything afterwards) goes smoothly!


Lainey said...

Hi Fi
Hmmm. I hadn't thought of that :/ Oh well!
I recognise your name from Pod's blog, so I know you're not a random stalker!