Tuesday 2 October 2012

28 weeks pregnant

I am now officially in the last trimester.   The second trimester went so fast it's scary!  I'm glad to be in the final 12 weeks. As much as I'm enjoying being pregnant I want to meet Little Parasite!  Although I'm not looking forward the weight gain I hear is common in the last few weeks.
I have a good sized bump now, which I occasionally forget about when trying to squeeze though gaps I clearly no longer fit through. I don't think my brain has caught up with the growth spurt yet!

My 28 week midwife appointment was earlier this week, and I had more blood taken to check iron levels etc.  The baby's heartbeat is very strong and regular (about 140 beats a minute) and the midwife seemed amused by how active he/she was.  Considering how busy Little Parasite generally is, I'm just hoping it doesn't have ADHD!
I need to get the 'flu and whooping cough jabs soon too.  I did try calling today but the line was busy and I didn't want to pay to listen to jazz music whilst I was on hold (I really don't like jazz).

Generally I'm still feeling ok.  Less frequent nausea; some heartburn; tiredness but other wise good.  I feel that I need to do more exercise than I'm currently doing, but I always think that anyway, even when I wasn't pregnant.  Gareth assures me I'm doing enough exercise, but I find it difficult knowing whether I'm being sensible or lazy.

And on to the bump photos...

26 weeks pregnant
Looks like I've swallowed a gym ball 
similarto the one in the background.
Probably mistaken for a giant pea .

28 weeks pregnant
Not a great photo to show off the bump;
it just makes me look fat!


Paula said...

No, dear, it doesn't make you look fat, it makes you look PREGNANT! Honestly!

Nice to see my little niece/nephew is doing well. He/she is growing faster than the cardigan I'm knitting, though I have made some progress on it in the last couple of days. Just don't have the baby early or I will never get it done in time!

You are looking really lovely Lainey.

Lainey said...

I hope it's not early too - it would be nice to settle a bit in the new house before it arrives!