Monday 22 October 2012

An annual event: The dogs' bath

Well, actually the title isn't quite true since their bath was a year overdue anyway, and they usually get bathed every 6 months.

So, the dogs are the latest victims of pregnancy nesting, and they were subjected to a cleansing.  I decided to bath them before we moved as I didn't want the new house smelling of wet dog.  I also wanted to bath them before I got too big to be comfortable hunkered over the bath for long periods of time.

I managed to convince the dogs to climb onto a stool and jump into the bath themselves so I didn't have to lift them.  I'm surprised they did, although Tangent would've legged it if the bathroom door wasn't closed.

Tangent on the stool I used to get him to get in 
the bath himself.  Although it looks like he's stood
on some gallows 

'I thought you were cool, man'

Misery: Ilustrated

I forgot how tiny Willow is beneath all her fur!

Shiny, sparkly dude!

Super glossy Willow


Unknown said...

Haha, very cute! And very impressive that you managed to get them to climb in the bath themselves!

Lainey said...

There was much bribery and compensation in the form of biscuits involved...

Anonymous said...

They look so sorry for themselves. I was also very impressed you managed to get them to get into the bath themselves.


Lainey said...

It was so long since their last bath they probably forgot what it was all about. I won't be so lucky next time!