Monday 17 August 2009


Gareth and I got back to Bristol ok yesterday, depite Britain's worst drivers flocking onto the motorway. Seriously, how do some people get their licenses!?

I'm in a much better frame of mind after our break and feel that although things haven't really gone as smoothly as we'd have liked, at least our lives are moving forward!
I phoned the company I had the interview with today for feedback on my perfomance as I assumed they'd made a decision and it turns out they are still deliberating! The recruitment officer is going to find out more details from the interview panel and get back to me. So, fingers' crossed, it may not be out of my sights yet! I really hope I have a chance at this job as I think I would really enjoy the role - it's a publishing administrator role for a scientific publication.

Gareth and I have decided to reintroduce items back into our room very gradually. As our clothes are being checked and washed for bugs we're going to put some back into our drawers so we can actually find clean socks and pants without having a mini game of 'Deal-or-no-Deal' with all the black bags!

The shower has also been fixed by the landlord whilst we were away, and boy, does it make a difference being able to just jump into the shower rather than wait an hour for the boost for hot water, spend 20 mins running the bath then feeling that you should spend at least 30mins soaking to make it worth all the effort!

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