Friday 4 September 2009

Level up!

I recently did one of those 'what's your stress level' tests which consists of adding up points based on events over the last year. For example, death of a close relative is 40, moving home is 20 points, Xmas is 15 etc. (I can't remember the exact points, but you get the idea).
If you get more than 300 then it states you are at risk of serious health issues. Mine came out at 443. Hmm. I think more candle-lit baths and less double-bagging is in order! Oh yes, and 'dealing with bedbug infestation' wasn't even on the list! Problem is, I'm finding it difficult stopping. I can't seem to just stop, and when I do (i.e. the craft session - see previous post) it doesn't seem to work out. I know it's probably not healthy to be this wound up all the time, but behaviours can be hard habits to break.

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