Sunday 4 January 2015

Is this a trick question?

Rowan and I were reading one of his counting books (Margaret Wise Brown's "Count to 10 with a mouse" which was given to him by his Great-Nanny) a couple of nights ago.  This has become quite a regular read lately, and Rowan loves asking about the pictures on the pages.

This is a lovely book with a good rhythm:
'There was a little mouse, no bigger than a mole
who lived in a round place that he called a hole'

Number 6 is illustrated with six cats playing with some wool. Rowan pointed at each cat and said "that one?" which is his version of asking "what's that?"  The conversation went as follows:

Rowan: "That one?"
Me: "That's a cat."
Rowan: "That one?"
Me: "That's a cat."
Rowan: "That one?"
Me: "A cat."
Rowan: "That one?"
Me: "That's another cat."
Rowan: "That one?"
Me: "That's a cat."
Rowan: "That one?"
Me: "What do yo think it is?"
Rowan: "Cheese."

I'd love to understand the logic of a toddler.


Anonymous said...

Rowan just wanted to make you smile, I am laughing and his Great Gran will really enjoy this blog.

Love Lynn

Anonymous said...

Rowan has such an advanced sense of humour. Mum xxx

Paula said...

Love it! Made me laugh out loud!

Lainey said...

He's starting to come out with some really endearing things lately.