Sunday 4 January 2015


I'm not a massive fan of New Year resolutions.  I think if you want to change something in your life don't wait until the 1st of January, do it now.  I also think it's easy to overlook the accomplishments of the previous year by focusing on what you want to improve. However, I do love makin' me some lists so here are 2 goals for 2015:

Make/upcycle more sewing projects
Inspired by my friend Amy over at craftandthrift, I would like to do more sewing this year using stuff I already have stashed away.  This also nicely links into another aim of learning how to use my over-locker, and the embroidery software on my sewing machine (seriously, that thing is more computer than sewing machine and I've been scared to use it!) 
I've set myself a flexible target of 1 making item per month (flexible in that I may make 3 things one month, and then nothing for 2).  That might just be sewing a few bits of ribbon or buttons onto a tired old shirt to restyle it, but it still counts.

Decorate the house
We've been in our house for 2 years now, and the decorating progress has stagnated.  Except for Rowan's room, the whole house needs decorating. Frankly, it can be overwhelming when you list the jobs that need doing (and remember how I love lists?).  So much so you end up doing nothing.  I'm going to break down the jobs so they are more achievable, and accept that sometimes I can't complete the whole project in a weekend.  For example, this evening I finished putting a second coat of gloss on one of the doors.  I ran out of steam for the second door and just packed up.  Normally I'd push myself to complete the last coat as I hate half finished jobs.  Sometimes it's better to conserve your energy for another day.  I'm hoping this change in attitude will help maintain motivation.

I'm not making a massive list of self-improvements. I think that sort of thing is a continual process anyway (e.g. improving fitness; do more for charity; declutter; attain Nirvana etc.).  Plus, who knows how much spare time I'll have in the next year with a 2 year old to entertain!  Especially as I probably have potty training to look forward to this year. Yay to no more nappies! Boo to the inevitable wet bedding and accidents!

More of this in 2015, and less wasting time on social media!


Unknown said...

Sounds like a totally doable resolutions list! I really struggle to prioritise crafting time when there's an endless list of 'more productive' things to do,like washing up etc. It's good to make time to do the things you WANT to do, rather than feel the need to do!

Anonymous said...

There is nothing more satisfying than crossing things off of a list! To help in my achievement of this I often have two lists, one the huge list of everything that needs doing, then a second achievable list of what I would like to do today or over a weekend, I only put items on the achievable list I fully expect to do so that I can get that sense of achievement and motivation as I cross them off and then throw the completed list away and make the next one. How sad is that! Love Lynn

Paula said...

I have a tendency to push to get things done in one hit too. I then burn myself out and find it hard to do anything else! I'm trying to be mindful of that this year and keep reminding myself that slow and steady wins the race. I'm actually getting a more done this way than trying to do everything in one hit and knackering myself.

I also have goals rather than resolutions and so far I am pleased with how they are helping me to stay focused on the important stuff rather than, as you say, wasting time on social media!

Happy New Year and good luck with your list!

Lainey said...

It's difficult getting the balance between doing the things you want to do, and the things you feel you ought to do isn't it?

I like the idea of a 'Mothership list' with offshoots of little lists! 2015: List Mania!

The slow and steady is working for me so far too. Granted, we're only 12 days in but progress is progress!