Sunday 29 June 2014

Poor old Tangent

Tangent has had it a bit rough lately.  Rowan has progressed from being an immobile lump of interesting smells, to a highly mobile, loud, grabby whirlwind in a relatively short amount of time.

Rowan was about a month old here, and the novelty of new
baby smells had Tangent obsessed!

Tangent still feeling the love with Rowan at 5 months old.
Rowan was getting more accurate with his grabbing, and 
showing an interest in dogs.

Tangent looking a little depressed not long after
Rowan learnt to walk.  There is no sanctuary.

 A resigned expression as Rowan continues to
haunt his days.  We started using the child-gate
to the kitchen more to give Tangent a break by this

Escaping to the garden for a break whilst Rowan naps

It's not all fur-pulling and eye-poking!  Life isn't completely over when you're usurped by a toddler.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All Rowan has to do is develop those arm muscles so that he can throw the ball a bit further then Tangent will be well pleased.

Love Lynn