Friday 13 June 2014


Every time my parents visit us, Rowan immediately absconds with my mum's walking stick.  He enjoys tapping it on the floor, and waving it threateningly at Tangent.  Sometimes contact is made, but Tangent is learning to be quicker.
This is all lovely and innocent when my mum doesn't actually need the stick to be mobile.  Unfortunately, when she does need to get about, Rowan is reluctant to relent the stick.  A compromise was made on a recent visit, and Rowan generously swapped his hobby horse for his nanny's stick:

My mum relaxing with a sippy cup of milk whilst
Rowan terrorises the household*

This may become quite problematic, since Rowan can't distinguish a walking stick from a toy.  On a recent trip to the doctors, the waiting room was filled with elderly people.  It was hard work distracting him from all those walking sticks.  I am expecting him to swipe a stick right out from under someone one day soon.  I may ensure I am a good distance ahead, and tut at the growing delinquency of today's youth.

*We are currently decorating (The. Whole. House. Sigh) so all those patches on the wall in my photo's are poly filler.  For some reason the camera flash makes them really stand out.


Anonymous said...

Could be something to do with the bocan training !

Love Lynn

Lainey said...

True! He is going to one lethal pre-schooler.