Sunday 15 June 2014

Going to the park

I often take Rowan to a local park when we walk back from our fruit and veg shop.  When he's first released from his pram, he looks a little unsure of all the park equipment, and spends some time people watching before dashing off toward the roundabout (his favourite!)  His interest in the park is increasing as he's getting older - when Gareth and I first took him there he looked like he was going to burst into tears, and wasn't happy until he was sat in an open green space playing with leaves.
It's not just our local park he's unimpressed with.  I recently took him to different one and he remained nonplussed.

I took Rowan to the park to go on all the equipment.
That's him in the distance.

Rowan is beginning to come round to the joys of parks.
He is proving to be a bit of an adrenalin junky and insists
on going down the slide face first.


Anonymous said...

I can see heart failure in the making lol. Mumxxx

Lainey said...

Yep! Although I am glad he gets involved in things, and isn't timid!

Anonymous said...

Its his Dad`s influence!
