Monday 6 May 2013

The bouncing game

Rowan is a very active baby, and especially enjoys physical games.  His particular favourite is being bounced and he will try to encourage you to continue the game by continuously bending his knees.  The bouncing game was perfectly fine when he was smaller.  Now he's nearly one stone in weight it's not quite so easy but it's a brilliant workout!

I apologise for the orientation of the video below.  I need to download some software so I can edit it, but that sounded suspiciously like work so you'll have to content yourself with either tilting your head or laptop.

If you turn on your speakers, you can hear Rowan's squeal of delight!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The vidio made me giggle, I can`t wait to see Rowan in his bouncer. I expect Gareth will be pleased as well!

Grandma Lynn