Sunday 5 May 2013


We've started to wean Rowan as he was giving several cues that he was ready for 'real food.'  He was getting angry after finishing a milk feed, suggesting he wasn't getting enough; he went back to demanding feeds every 2 hours and watched us with intense fascination whenever we ate in front of him (he nearly swiped a chicken goujon from Gareth's hand, such was his determination to eat. Although babies grab anything and everything at this age, so not really a testament to his readiness for weaning).

So far he has tried carrot; parsnip; banana; peas; pear; porridge and baby rice and he hasn't refused anything so far.  We seem to have the opposite problem and run out before he's had his fill.  We're not sure if we should stick to the recommended portion size, or just give him more.  He does get topped up with milk, so he's not exactly starving.

It's great fun watching him explore new tastes and textures.  We've learnt to have a damp cloth on standby to mop him down, and to use two spoons so he can hold one to avoid situations like this:

A downside to weaning is that the contents of his nappy are no longer the inoffensive deposits of a breastfed baby.  Hopefully this will calm down once his digestive system has got used to these new foods.  I'm not sure I can cope with 3 years of handling toxic waste that smells like it could be used to strip paint.  Actually, that would be useful considering the amount of decorating we still have to do.

First family meal

Happiness is a pureed carrot

Making sure the spoon doesn't go anywhere but
his face 

Food coma

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Excellant vidio as you said it does make you look like a cruel Daddy! Love the family meal picture, in fact love all the photos.

Grandam Lynn