Sunday 24 February 2013

Tummy time!

Rowan isn't a huge fan of spending time on his stomach, but babies are supposed to have some time playing on their tummies so they build the muscles and motor skills to help with crawling etc.  He is holding his head up well now, and doesn't face plant the play gym anymore.

Clever baby! 
Holding head up:  Approx 4 weeks

Apologies for the state of my photos lately.  I'm still not quite organised enough to have time to sort them out on Photoshop.  So they remain uncropped and rough.  When Rowan hits three months we can start working on a routine, so hopefully I'll be able to structure my day a bit better.  Currently I'm focusing on getting through the dishes etc. when Rowan randomly sleeps so the house doesn't become a complete state.  Although we are in the middle of decorating, so it'll probably remain a state for a while yet!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The perfect look of concentration on Rowan`s face.

Grandma Lynn