Saturday 16 February 2013


Rowan is now definitely smiling.  For a while I wasn't sure if it was just gas, but the photo below shows there is now no doubt!  I had wondered if he might be a bit delayed with smiling since he spent his first few days on NICU sedated with no social contact, but then it was only a few days, so it probably didn't make a difference.

Happy baby
First smile: 6 weeks old

My parents were finally able to visit.  They hadn't seen Rowan since he was 5 days old, so we were obviously thrilled to be able show Rowan off to them.  My parents would have visited much sooner, but owing to several successive colds they didn't want to come up in case Rowan caught one.
I don't think it will be so long before they drop by again!

Overdue hugs with Grandad and Nanny

 After a difficult few days recently where Rowan decided hourly feeding would be great day and night (I had a cold at the time, so I didn't think it was so great), he is now sleeping 7 hours through the night.  Overall we have been lucky with him as, aside from when he's going through growth spurts, he was sleeping 5 hours a night from 3 weeks old.


Anonymous said...

What a lovely smile, Grandad, Nanny & Rowan look like they were having a great time together. Its amazing how quickly Rowan is growing and how he looks so different in every photo.
Grandma Lynn

Anonymous said...

That is the most wonderful smile. Love nanny Holt. xxx

Paula said...

I want to cuddle that boy so much!!!