Friday 18 January 2013

Snow day!

Being the sheltered pleb that I am, I don't watch the news (local or national) so I was quite surprised to wake up and find a couple of inches of snow outside (I'd have been more surprised had it been inside).  Having lived in Aberdeen for 6 years, the snow wasn't exactly an impressive fall, but for England it was a decent smattering worthy of a blog post.  I was particularly excited since it was Rowan's first snow day, not that he'll remember it.  Gareth and I wrapped him up in copious amounts of blankets and a wooly hat knitted by my Mum, and took him into the garden for a quick photo shoot.

 Gareth was worried that Rowan would
be in the cold too long, hence the
worried expression.

A brief pose before heading back indoors.

 I enjoyed the snow today as I didn't have to go out in it.  I have Reynauld's disease, so whilst I appreciate the aesthetics of a nice snowfall, spending any amount of time outside in it inevitably ends in my fingers and toes becoming very painful.  However, as Gareth didn't have to go in for his morning shift, I did brave the weather and take the dogs out for a brief run whilst he looked after Rowan - we decided he was probably a little too young to take out in the snow, so I enjoyed a quiet walk with the dogs alone.

Willow enjoying baby-free time.

The problem with having a mostly white dog in snow.

Rowan does have the kit for snow, and we do take him out in cold weather, but we decided today was a tad too cold. 

Rowan's snowsuit.  He'll grow into it.


Anonymous said...

Willow & Tangent look like they had great fun in the snow. Rowan doesn`t look so impressed by all the white stuff but give him a few years and he will be out on his sledge having great fun. Rowan looks so cute in the snow suit, It won`t be long before it fits him as its so amazing how quickly a baby grows. Stay snugg and warm, love Grandma Lynn.

Anonymous said...

Fasinated by the blog, loved the photos of Rowan, I think he`s such a special little man who`s going to be a great playmate for Willow & Tangent. Think Willow could be a film star like Lassie. Well done to both of you, lots of love and hug foe Rowan from Great Grandma Gwen xxx

Paula said...

Love the photo of Rowan in the snowsuit! Sadly, as Grandma Lynn says, he will grow into it all too quickly! Don't grow too fast Rowan, I haven't quite finished your cardigan yet(nearly though)!

Lainey said...

Thank you all.
I'm just glad he'll get some use out of the snowsuit; the weather wasn't looking cold enough for a while, and it was the most extravagant thing we bought him!