Wednesday 8 October 2008

Job Centre

I had the depressing experience of signing on yesterday. To be honest, I felt more like a cattle about to be branded for all the social skills and warmth the staff have.
Apparently they are supposed to help you find work, when I asked what else I could do to increase my chances, the advisor merely suggested the Job Centre machines. Does that mean I've been wasting my time on websites, newspapers and trawling town for 'wanted' signs? They are not terribly concerned with what job you get, just as long as you get a job - I wasn't even asked what my degree is in, which surely would have helped to match me to jobs? I also need to go in the day before visiting my sister to sign a 'holiday' form and change a meeting date, despite me telling them that I was going away over that time. And they wonder why so many people are angry about their systems?

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