Monday 21 May 2007


I've just finished my first exam of this set (Marine ecology and ecosystems). It's my worst subject - not due to the material so much as the volume you're expected to retain! - and I don't think it went too badly. Although I did have verbal diahorrea for the last question (four essay questions in three hours; I guess it's not surprising)!
Anyway, not much aside from revision going on, which would make pretty dull reading. I'm handing my notice into work in the next couple of weeks, so I'm quite excited about that - I think spending a year of working 7 day weeks with not much time off is catching up, so just another couple of weeks and I can try and relax a bit before fourth year takes hold!
Just off to take a couple of hours off before revising some more for Thursdays' exam - still, at least I can forget about exams tomorrow during Kung Fu.

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