Thursday 10 September 2015


Rowan recently figured out how to open the high cupboard in his room.  I had my suspicions this was going to happen soon, but since the cupboard is fairly high up and has a stiff handle (and I'm knackered) I didn't preemptively child-proof it.
One evening, after a particularly troublesome bedtime routine where Rowan was hyper-tired and wouldn't settle, Gareth and I went up to check on him and found this:

Looking pleased with his masterpiece

Rowan had managed to open his cupboard and completely empty its contents (including the actual shelves).  Now, this shouldn't be a problem except that we kept all the nappy changing stuff in there including Sudocrem.  It was everywhere. The carpet; the walls; the toddler; furniture; toys...  Fortunately, the bulk of his 'painting' was confined to the drawers which was easy to wipe clean.  Overall, it could have been a lot worse (and it got worse - more on that below*). Although we now have to find somewhere for all the stuff that used to be kept in his cupboard..
In the photo above you'll notice an absence of curtains and accompanying rail.  Rowan pulled it out of the wall (including wall-plugs) a few days previously and we thought it safest to remove it completely.  The blackout blind is regularly pulled down, but at least we don't have to worry about random screws getting lost.

*Not long after this Rowan decided to try painting with... well, how to put this delicately? Poop. He painted with his poop. If you've never had to clean poop out of an electric socket, cable jack or Duplo bricks then I envy you! The walls, carpet, and toddler were relatively easy to clean by comparison. I didn't take any photos of that discovery.  I doubt anyone would've appreciated the photographic evidence.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Will he be a plasterer when he grows up!