Monday 10 March 2008

Race for Life

I'm running this year's Race for Life on the 22nd of June, so if anyone would like to sponsor me you can do so using the widget opposite. Thanks!

I've just started thread II of my fourth year courses (the last two modules I'll be studying here, wohoo!). The bioethics looks like it'll be interesting - at least there is no spoonfeeding of information, so lots of discussions. I have the environmental modelling courses this afternoon, so I'm with-holding judgement on that one!
There has also been a slight change of plan, instead of my parents coming up and then we all travel back, we've decided to travel back for a week instead - it turns out my parents were primarily travelling up just to bring pets/stuff home in preparation for moving back! It's way too far just to come up for that, so we're visiting and getting wedding stuff sorted when we're in Plymouth. It also means I should have more time to revise for the exams in May.

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