Thursday 8 November 2007

Idle chat

Thankfully this period of fireworks is at an end! Willow can now relax a bit before the Christmas and January displays. She's been doped up on dried valarian root the last couple of nights, so she doesn't really mind right now. I wonder if she hallucinates with it too? She does get a manic sort of expression before falling asleep. She's also realised, after 3yrs of being in the same flat, that the gap underneath the heater is actually quite warm and a nice place to lie. Strange animal.

I went to Kung Fu yesterday for a drills session. I do enjoy form, but sometimes its nice doing something different. It was really good, even if I do have the coordination of a drunk spider, I still enjoyed it.

My dissertation is going ok. I've written the rough draft for the materials and method section, and am doing the reading for the introduction. Tomorrow I'm meeting someone who is pretty good with stats so then I can progress a bit more with the data analysis and results section. I showed my supervisor the PCR visualisations, and he thinks they are ok, and no need to redo any lab work - hurray! It looks like I have two definate postives for Borrelia burgdorferi (spirochete that causes Lyme disease), and a further two possibles. Bit of a relief as it gives you more to talk about! Although not great if you live near the sites the ticks were collecte in.

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