Sunday 15 March 2015

Mothering Sunday

I indulged in a lie-in this morning, being woken at 8:30am for breakfast and coffee in bed.  Rowan threw a bunch of pretty flowers at me, and then climbed onto the bed.  He chose my breakfast, which was ably conveyed by Gareth.  So I 'enjoyed' a bowl of Cookie Crunch cereal (a treat Gareth let Rowan put in the shopping trolley when I wasn't looking) and conducted some impressive acrobatics to drink my coffee without scalding the toddler! It was a lovely* surprise and Rowan looked very pleased with his efforts. As he should be.  Gareth told me that he had tried to persuade Rowan that maybe I'd prefer poached eggs on toast, but Rowan was adamant that I was having Cookie Crunch!

We made a last minute decision to drive down to Plymouth to visit our Mums, so had a minor rush to load the car and go.  Rowan promptly fell asleep, so he was fairly refreshed by the time we got there (usually he waits until we are ten minutes away from anywhere we are going, then falls asleep).
Fortunately, Rowan's great grandmothers were visiting my Mother-in-law (Lynn) so he got to see them too.

Nanny Gwen, Grandma and Great-Grandma Barbara

 Four generations

We had a lovely lunch with everyone, and then released Rowan into the garden to let out some pent up energy.  He was particularly fond of filling the watering can up and emptying it over the grass. 

We then went to my parents' house and spent a couple of hours chatting, and trying to prevent Rowan trashing their home (two dog bowls were the total causalities this visit).  Rowan had his dinner, and was kept quiet with a bag of crisps - we generally limit them at home, so on the rare occasions he has access to a whole bag he remains silent in case someone realises and takes them away.
Rowan adores dogs, but doesn't quite understand that not all dogs adore him!  The expression on Molly's face (below) pretty much sums up their relationship at present.

 "Go home, ugly bald puppy"

The handsome, photogenic Flash

 Nanny and Grandad. This was the best photo I could get at
this point. Rowan was very tired, and not going to 
comply for a photo shoot!

I felt bad that we didn't stay very long, but it was a spur of the moment decision.  Hopefully we can catch up again soon!

* I mistyped and wrote 'lively' at first. Either word works!

1 comment:

Josie said...

What a wonderful day with four generations together and such lovely photos to capture all those special moments xx