Tuesday 27 August 2013

Homemade baby toys!

Baby toys.  Wow.  Now they're expensive!  I love to indulge Rowan when I can, but I truly begrudge paying for overpriced plastic that he'll only have a passing interest in.  Then I discovered The Imagination Tree and have been inspired to make my own toys for Rowan.  Making baby toys was something I'd shied away from as I was worried whatever I made would instantly disintegrate, and Rowan would end up choking on my thriftiness.  So, perusing through Anna's website has given me confidence to have a go. 

The first item I made was a ribbon pot since I have an abundance of ribbon (I'm a crafter; we throw nuthin' away):

Bit blurry, but here's my pot
looking very much handmade 

Rowan was fascinated with it, but mostly 
wanted to eat it

I then had a go as making some discovery bottles.   I had a load of Quality Street sweet wrappers that I kept for a few years (again, crafter) and added them to one of the bottles, and it's Rowan's favourite:

The video's a bit dark, but you can hear he's
enjoying the bottle!

  I filled this one with water and added some
glitter, beads and sequins.  I made sure the
lid was securely super-glued before handing
it over!


Anonymous said...

Elaine they are brilliant, you are so clever, Rowan certainly was having great fun. Well done, love Lynn.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful toys and also much more fun than bought toys. Love Mum.

Paula said...

The Imagination Tree is great isn't it! I've found so many great ideas from her website. The Podlings and I had fun this afternoon with the homemade sidewalk glitter paint she posted about a couple of weeks ago. Great fun for very little cost and effort.

Glad you and Rowan are having lots of homemade fun together.

BTW, you are SO right about us crafters never throwing anything away :-)