Tuesday 1 May 2012

Half a year?!

Wow. Pretty much half a year since my last post.  That's pretty abysmal.  I'm not going to offer excuses, because despite life being busy, if I'm honest I did have time to post, but I just didn't want to.
I have done loads of craft projects since last posting, but there's such a backlog I'm a bit overwhelmed about where to start! 
Lots of stuff has happened in life too, but it was all generally stressful I didn't want to turn this blog into a whinge-fest, where I bemoan the injustices of life.

I'm currently working on a pretty cool project, and I will post some updates on its progress in a few weeks, once there's anything worth posting - there's a lot of prep work!

In the meantime, I think I'll drip-feed you all with some of the projects I've worked on over the last few months, and I'll endeavour to get better at updating.  On that note, we've moved again!  The landlord of the house that flooded evicted us (two evictions in one year -sheesh, that's enough to take personally). It's all good though, as we are now back in the area we really like.  The dogs seem happier since the move too!

1 comment:

Paula said...

Hello stranger!

Looking forward to seeing your updates.