Friday 4 March 2011

An overdue update

Poor neglected blog. Started a couple of years ago with some sporadic posting, only to be superceded by a new blog that actually gets updated regularly. Well, I blame the coil. Since I've had the blasted thing I've been too tired to do anything (drawing cartoons is a pretty sedentary activity, so energy expenditure is kept to a minimum!) Basically, for the last 8 months, Ive spent my time alternating between bleeding for 2-3 weeks, then being so tired and bloated I find motivation difficult. I've not run or done much exercise as movement seems to incur more blood. I'm gradually turning into human jelly.
Crafting and sewing that involves concentrating on not driving a sharp needle over my hand has also been put on a back burner. In short, I've done naff all to blog about, and when I have, I've not had the inclination to write about it!

So, back to the doctors next week to discuss maybe removing the coil. I'm not really sure how much 'settling in' time in it needs, but coming up to three quarters of a year seems enough. If you are of a sadistic nature, you can read about my experience of getting the coil here.

I do have a few posts lined up for this blog though, involving a recent holiday to Deer Park Lodge and the return of the fornicating frogs in our garden. When these will appear here, I don't yet know!


Unknown said...

I'm on the implant and I have to say, I'm completely in love with it. About 1/3 of women still get regular periods, 1/3 get irregular periods and the last 1/3 get none at all. I'm pretty lucky in that I've not really had a proper period (besides the odd week here and there) for about 2 years now!

There's no remembering to take pills and no strange people shoving metal into your unmentionable areas, it's inserted into your triceps (which is a bit sore but you get a local and the bruising goes away after a few days) and then you just forget about it for 3 years until its replaced.

Maybe if you haven't already thought about it, the implant might be the way to go? xx

Lainey said...

Unfortunately, I don't react well to hormones. When I was on the pill I was plain evil to Gareth (and constantly depressed), so if I can avoid them I will!
The doctor is happy to remove the coil though. Apparently about 10-15% of women don't take to it, so I'm going to book in to have it taken out after Crufts (I don't fancy being sore then!) Shame, as the coil sounded ideal - no hormones, no fiddling about with passion-killing extras, and you don't need to worry about it for 10 years.
I guess it's back to the diaphragm. With only an 85% efficiency, I'm a bit concerned!
I think I shall have to get Gareth neutered...