Tuesday 2 November 2010


This year Gareth and I had planned on having a Hallowe'en party and invited several of our friends. Unfortunately, the closer the time came more of them were unable to make it (fair enough; our friends are dotted all over the UK, so it was a bit of a trek for them). In the end only one of our friends was able to make it. We still decided to have mini-party, as we are rather fond of hallowe'en!

Pumpkin pie with a pecan and gingersnap layer.

I also made up some maple syrup whipped cream (recipe for

pie and cream can be found here - although I would use

your own shortcrust pastry recipe as the one provided

was a bit stodgy).

Razor blade door hanging!

Continuing our 'Chop Shop' theme!

Taking 'raw feeding' to a new level!

Our take on 'Psycho'

The dogs partaking in the horror.

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