Tuesday 2 November 2010

Fish tank!

Here are some rather blurry photo's of the fish tank. The panda corydoras are a lot quicker than their bodyshape implies, so the photos of them are particuarly terrible!

Siamese figher (Betta splendens), or Tengu
as we like to call him! It means Japanese
spirit warrior or something to that effect.

We have one male fighter which we spent a long time choosing as the males must be kept alone - they can be agressive to other males. I was tempted to buy him a harem of females, but as he seems to have quite an attitude I think he may be a bit of a wife beater. If nothing else then he would probably terrorise the other fish if he had girlfriends to impress. It's a life of batchelorhood for Tengu!

Black phantom tetra (Megalamphodus megalopterus).

The image doesn't really do this fish justice!

We have a shoal of 5 phantoms, but I suspect one of them is actually a rosy tetra, or possibly a hybrid as it has white tips to the pectoral fins. She (Twinky, as she was the only survivor from the first batch of phantoms we bought) is perfectly happy shoaling with the new phantoms though.

Panda corydoras (Corydoras panda).

Man, the pandas are busy! We only added them to the tank yesterday and they were scoffing their faces before they reached the bottom of the tank! They are proving quite endearing though. We have a shoal of 5, although the smallest one seems to prefer to forage on his own!

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