Thursday 22 May 2008

Advanced Behavioural Ecology exam

Oh dear.

It was one of those nightmare exams where you read down the question list thinking 'not that one, or that one...' until you run out of questions. The first one I answered wasn't too bad actually (on dispersal mechanisms), but the other one I was talking out of the proverbial throughout. Unfortunately, an area I didn't really understand came up which immediately eliminated that one (something about temporal and spatial postitive and negative auto-correlation) so I was stuck with a question I would rather not have been left with.
It also didn't help that I didn't realise the invigilator had said we could start, so I just sat there merrily looking around until I realised that it was gone 9am, and everyone was already writing.

All in all, poo.


Paula said...

Oh dear! It sounds like the bad dreams you have about exams! If it's any consolation, I came out of one my finals feeling like that, but it all turned out okay. It's never as bad as it seems at the time! Good luck with your other exams. I know it's a really stressful time and I'm thinking of you!

Lainey said...

I'm trying not to think about it now until after my other exams.
It was just frustrating as it was a new course co-ordinator, so the exam paper didn't bear much resemblance to past papers I was using to base my revision on!
Oh well. It's just one exam at the end of the day.

I like the Lambkin and apron you made for Lily btw!