Saturday 1 December 2007

Ticked off

Aarg! I'm so fed up with ticks! I can't wait to be done with the little acarid buggers. The end is in sight however, as the first draft is due on the 10th December and I've already written a rough intro, materials and method, outlined my results and am writing the reference list as I go (don't underestimated how long the last can take), so I have the discussion to do and general tarting up.

I'm actually looking forward to writing the 6000 word review essay! I also have to design a web page based on the tick project, but I quite like learning HTML so I'm looking forward to that too. I feel I may be eating my words soon enough though.

Well, it didn't take her long, but I caught Willow constructing a bed from the laundry:

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