Wednesday 19 December 2007

Annual bath and catch-up

I got the first draft of my dissertation in on time and have got some feedback on it. I have lots to do on the results section, but otherwise I think it's going ok-ish. I've planned my time so that I should have the review essay, the final dissertation and the webpage finished a couple of days before their respective due dates. I've also received feedback on the general essay and I got a 19 which I was pleased with (20 is the most you can achieve with Aberdeen uni's marking system).
My time management seems to have improved anyway as I even got around to giving Willow
her Christmas bath. She wasn't impressed.


Paula said...

Poor dog! At least she got to lick the crisp packet as compensation! Well done on the 19!

Lainey said...

Unfortunately the order was 'crisp packet'-'bath.' It lulled her into a false sense of security!

Hope the Christmans plans are going ok. Sorry I haven't phoned I've been trying to keep on top of work so I take a few days off around Christmas.