Monday 23 April 2007

End of an era

Well, one week after finally getting around to entering the Race for Life, I've totalled trashed my trainers. To be fair, their natural life probably ended 6 months ago, and drying them out on top of the radiator wasn't exactly the best idea - the insoles have completely shrivelled and the uppers have melted. As I've been running for several years, and haven't changed my running shoes for about 3yrs, I knew they were on their way out. It's just annoying that it wasn't my choice when I replaced them!

The honours list has finally been released at uni. So now there is the fun of fighting for the ones you want to do instead of getting lumped with something like the ecology and distribution of polychaete worms. All good fun...

1 comment:

Paula said...

For my honours project, I had the fun of collecting sewage effluent to test it for estrogens. Whatever you do, it's not going to that bad!