Wednesday 7 March 2007

The source of all headaches...

Well, having suffered from severe headaches and migraines for the past year or so, I think I've finally worked out whats causing them.
I'd always put them down to being overtired and staring at computer screens for too long (studying for uni, of course!), but they still seemed to persist despite trying to get more sleep and reduce time on the computers (and the reduction in work that entailed. Oh well) . I've noticed a correlation between eating and my headaches/migraines. If I don't eat for a while then I get the start of a migraine that continues to develop the longer I don't eat, I also get a bit heady and feel like I'm passing out. Well, after trialling eating regulary for a couple of weeks my headaches are lessening and I don't feel quite so naff all the time. It seems highly ironic considering my past history with food. It probably isn't helped by doing kung fu and the amount of running I do which means I burn energy faster than I used to. In short, I think a fast metabolism is to blame. It's not all it's cracked up to be actually, as it's pretty inconvienient having to eat frequently.

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