Wednesday, 19 December 2012

39 weeks pregnant

I am now halfway through my last week of pregnancy, assuming Little Parasite is on time. Since less than 5% of babies are born on their due date, that doesn't really mean much!  Despite having enjoyed the pregnancy (constant nausea throughout and sciatica excluded) I'm definitely looking forward to the end of being a human incubator now.  I haven't had a comfortable night's sleep in weeks, and although I know I won't get a full night once the baby is here, at least I can move about to get comfortable for the few snatches of kip I do get, and not get out of bed 6 times a night to pee!
I've had a few pre-labour signs, so I hope I don't have too much longer to wait.

I had a 35 weeks midwife appointment and everything is still going well.  LP is still in the correct position, heartbeat strong and lots of movement.  The midwife estimated that the baby will be between 6.5 and 7lbs, which I don't think is too bad (ask me again when I have to give birth to that though!), so I hope LP isn't late otherwise it's just going to grow and grow.

In other news, the house move went well and we've been in for about a month now.  We had a lot to do when we moved in, and our stuff remained in boxes for ages (hence the long gap in updating).  I'm now looking forward to a couple of days of peace before the baby arrives - I made sure I knew where my cross stitch gear was at all times!
The dogs have settled in well.  They have moved so many times in the last couple of years that they're old hats at it now.  They were a bit stressed by the plastering and decorating since that's something they've not encountered before, but lots of running in the local field helped diffuse their stress.

I have another midwife appointment tomorrow, so I will give another update shortly.

In the meantime, here are the bump photos, as I know my sister is keen to see them! 

35 weeks
Definitely can't be mistaken for too many
pies now!
37 weeks
Change in background due to moving
house - we still need to decorate our
room at some point. 

Feeling properly massive now!

 I'm pleased that (so far) the only
stretch mark I have is across an old
belly button piercing scar.
39 weeks
Very pointy belly button!   

Time Little Parasite moved out...

Worm's eye view. This is what happens when you
let your husband loose with the camera!

 The other significant party!  Gareth has been awesome
during the pregnancy, and has put up with a lot
of my needless worry and whinging about nausea.


Paula said...

Yay, bump pictures! You look lovely Lainey. LP will have to move out soon...there can't be any room left in there now! Shame they couldn't have come up with a better exit strategy, but c'est la vie! Praying for a swift and easy labour and delivery for you.

Come on Baby...we can't wait to meet you!

Lainey said...

Thanks! I'm not exactly keen on the exit, but I'm trying not to get too stressed about it too as I don't think being tense will help. Lots of yoga breathing...

I will text/ring when I go into labour, and Gareth will do the ring around once the baby is born.