Wednesday, 25 April 2007

'Everybody was Kung Fu hobbling...'

Kung Fu last night was a total killer! I couldn't get my legs to work during form practise after the first part of the session. Dragon stance was a nightmare (that's where one leg is crossed in front of the other with your knee 2" above the ground, and 2" behind the front foot), and after horse stance (a rather undignified-looking position where your feet are set wide apart with your knees over your feet) when they tell you to sink lower for the last 10 seconds, it's more than 10 seconds - I counted! Still, it's really enjoyable even if it does leave you knackered. I didn't quite manage running home as I normally do after Kumg Fu; partly because my legs were rather upset, and partly due to the lack of trust I now have in my maimed trainers.

My number and sponsorship form arrived for the Race for life yesterday, so once I've replaced my trainters on Friday, I'll be upping my training a bit - certainly gives direction and focus to your running!

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