Friday 19 September 2014


Good grief.  Another two months have passed since my last post.  Things have been crazy-busy lately and a lot of the time I feel like I'm a living version of the Red Queen hypothesis (i.e. it doesn't matter how fast I run, I still stay in one spot!)
Rowan has had a couple of colds lately that have typically affected his sleep.  Apart from one glorious day when he slept in till 11am (yes; 11am - that is not a typo!) he has been foregoing his usual 8am lie-ins on our days off.  His nap time has also decreased.  Although I think he still needs more sleep since he's the crankiest toddler imaginable when he wakes up. As he's quite a full-on chap, I've found this increased demand on my time pretty hard. I'm postulating that his shorter naps may be reflecting an impending readiness to potty train soon, but I suspect I'm just trying to find justification where there isn't any!

Gareth has been studying hard for an all-day exam and I think his absence to study has affected Rowan, so perhaps that explains the change in his sleep. It's funny how kids pick up on changes. Since Gareth works shifts I assumed Rowan didn't have any expectations of routine, but it seems there is an element of predictability even for shift-workers.

Regardless, Rowan continues to sleep through the night so I don't feel I can legitimately complain.

I've also got a new job, which is exciting.  It's still with the same company just a different role.  It's worked out well as I don't need to change the days I work, so there's no effect on our childcare.  It basically means a bit more responsibility and pay.  To be honest, I'm just happy to be doing something a bit new for a while.  I was in my old role for nearly 5 years, so I was more than ready for a change!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Its amazing how demanding a toddler can be and where do they get their energy from? Hope the new job is going well and stimulating your brain cells. As for short naps just be grateful he is still having a nap, its a huge shock to the system when they want to stay awake all day !
