Saturday 22 March 2014

First post of 2014.

Wow.  This is my first post of 2014 and it's nearly the end of March.  Oops.  Since Rowan started nursery last October our household has had a plethora of viruses.  We've all just recovered from the last bout (an insidious cold that saps your energy in excess of 3 weeks) and I'm hoping that's it for a while.  Poor Rowan has had colds, hand foot and mouth disease, bad ecema between his fingers, more colds and teething over the last few months.
It's also surprisingly exhausting balancing part-time work and family life.  Whilst trying to be taken seriously at work, I'm also struggling with guilt at leaving Rowan 3 days a week - no different to many mums out there!

I would like to post a lot more regularly, but I'm making no promises!

One of the few cupboards without any childlocks.
Naturally, this means I spend most evenings putting
everything back in them after Rowan's investigations.

I keep giving Rowan pencils to draw with.
He keeps eating them.


Paula said...

I love that first photo! Rowan looks so pleased with himself!

I'm trying to make the effort to blog more regularly after a rather sporadic blogging period last year. Sometimes blogging is the last thing I want to do, but I love looking back on old posts. Having a record of their childhood is so important to me and there are loads of things I know I would have forgotten if I had not put them in the blog. Re-reading old blog entries gives me so much pleasure and it is nice that the Podlings will always have that record. I'm finding my 52 week project is really helping me to get up at least one blog post each week.

I'd love to keep up to date with my gorgeous nephew, so it would be great if you were able to blog again. No pressure :-)

Anonymous said...

He is one happy child, always amusing himself even if it means doing things you would rather he didn't. Love Mumxxx