Saturday 16 November 2013

Discovery boxes

One of the best ideas I've come across for baby toys online is discovery boxes (I think it was from The Imagination Tree).  It's such a basic concept, but the entertainment potential seems endless. Essentially, a discovery box is a box or basket that is filled with a selection of items from around the home.  The only stipulation is that no grotesque plastic toys are allowed (and nothing that will actually kill or hurt your baby, but if you need to be told that then you should probably stick with air plants instead of children).

Rowan's current box has an array of items such as CDs, a piece of felt, a leather keychain, an egg box, a tennis ball etc. I tried to pick a selection of things that would be a varied sensory experience for him (the light reflecting from the CD; the fuzzy felt etc.) and he loves it!

Rowan exploring his discovery box

Tangent also loves discovery boxes, and tries to 
claim certain items that takes his fancy 

Discovery boxes do not appear to help refine

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Isn't that MY tennis ball you have put in Rowan's discovery box.Love Mum.