Monday 19 July 2010


As I was walking back from work, today I was disappointed to observe yet another irresponsible dog owner. This person was cycling on the road whilst their dog trotted along beside them, off-lead, on the pavement. Initially it seemed a very obedient dog until they approached some traffic lights and the cyclist duly stopped at the red light. The dog waited at heel until a dog walker on the pavement approached. The 'cyclist-dog' promptly strode over to said dog walker ignoring the persistant calls of 'sit!' from its owner. It only resumed its place at the cyclist's side once the lights had turned green and the cyclist was moving.
I don't care how obedient you think your dog is; you cannot trust it to stay with you indefinately regardless of how perfect its recalls etc. are in a controlled environment. There are so many stimuli that cannot be conditioned, would you really want to expose your dog to a temptation when in an environment that is unsafe? Leave the hard-core training to the those that know what they are doing - namely the police, army and that ilk.
Anyway, thats my rant-of-the-day over!

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