Thursday 18 September 2008

Gimme a job!

I had an assessment today for a temporary data entry job over the christmas period. I think I should get through as I was 3.5 times faster than the requirement and had an accuracy of 98% (baseline pass was 80%). Bit of a relief because if nothing else crops up between now and then it's still some form of income.
I'm currently filling out several applications for a range of jobs - everything from librarian to zoo keeper! I'm not terribly fussed over what I actually do for this year, as long as I get some form of experience of further qualification/training. At the moment, just getting a job is the focus!


Paula said...

Is that going to be on the M deck?

Lainey said...

Yep, so I guess getting quite a good speed and accuracy isn't that impressive considering I worked there for two years!

Paula said...

But you haven't done it for four yesrs or so, so it's still quite impressive!