Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Project in the pipeline

I have somewhat neglected this blog recently. I've been a bit caught up in my new blog and haven't really been up to much anyway! I decided to create a new blog as I realised I was taking life way too seriously. My sense of humour isn't always to everyone's taste, so I figured I would make a place for it.

I have a winter project I intend to start soon - dog booties! Not because I am some broody late twenty-something trying to make my dogs into surrogate babies, but because Willow's fur between her toes tend to get compacted with ice in this weather and I imagine that must hurt a lot!

The pattern for said project comes from an awesome book my sister bought me for my birthday:

Sunday, 21 November 2010

Jumbo Yorkie - it's not for girls

My parents visited us last weekend and brought their two dogs, Molly and Flash. Molly is meant to be a Yorkshire terrier, but she looks like she was brought up on steroids. Look the size of her!

  My dad with Molly the mega-weight

I love Molly's unimpressed expression as Tan and
Flash play!

Saturday, 13 November 2010

Bone of contentment

Tangent's expression couldn't embody the phrase "I love you so much" any better!

Tuesday, 2 November 2010


This year Gareth and I had planned on having a Hallowe'en party and invited several of our friends. Unfortunately, the closer the time came more of them were unable to make it (fair enough; our friends are dotted all over the UK, so it was a bit of a trek for them). In the end only one of our friends was able to make it. We still decided to have mini-party, as we are rather fond of hallowe'en!

Pumpkin pie with a pecan and gingersnap layer.

I also made up some maple syrup whipped cream (recipe for

pie and cream can be found here - although I would use

your own shortcrust pastry recipe as the one provided

was a bit stodgy).

Razor blade door hanging!

Continuing our 'Chop Shop' theme!

Taking 'raw feeding' to a new level!

Our take on 'Psycho'

The dogs partaking in the horror.

Ashton Court Estate

We took the dogs to a Ashton Court Estate a couple of days ago. I've heard about this place a few times from other dog people, but didn't quite know where it was. It turns out we drive past it on our way to Leigh Woods! It's very nice, and is exactly the sort of place (apart from moorland) that I've been missing since moving to Bristol - except for the golf course, but you can't have everything!

Fish tank!

Here are some rather blurry photo's of the fish tank. The panda corydoras are a lot quicker than their bodyshape implies, so the photos of them are particuarly terrible!

Siamese figher (Betta splendens), or Tengu
as we like to call him! It means Japanese
spirit warrior or something to that effect.

We have one male fighter which we spent a long time choosing as the males must be kept alone - they can be agressive to other males. I was tempted to buy him a harem of females, but as he seems to have quite an attitude I think he may be a bit of a wife beater. If nothing else then he would probably terrorise the other fish if he had girlfriends to impress. It's a life of batchelorhood for Tengu!

Black phantom tetra (Megalamphodus megalopterus).

The image doesn't really do this fish justice!

We have a shoal of 5 phantoms, but I suspect one of them is actually a rosy tetra, or possibly a hybrid as it has white tips to the pectoral fins. She (Twinky, as she was the only survivor from the first batch of phantoms we bought) is perfectly happy shoaling with the new phantoms though.

Panda corydoras (Corydoras panda).

Man, the pandas are busy! We only added them to the tank yesterday and they were scoffing their faces before they reached the bottom of the tank! They are proving quite endearing though. We have a shoal of 5, although the smallest one seems to prefer to forage on his own!

Friday, 8 October 2010

Dog bandana!

I had a go at making a dog's bandana last week. I made it from an old pair of Gareth's cargo trousers:

The one with all the cross stitch

After completing 'Mermaid of the pearls,' it prompted me to dig out the cross stitch I've done over the years and post them here. I've tried putting them in a chronological order: Fist ever cross stitch. I think I was about 13 when I did this one.

First completed 'big project'

First attempt at designing my own cross stitch. I was
about 14 when I did this one.

One I completed on the many long train journeys to Plymouth
from Aberdeen and vice versa!

I love this design! I'll certainly look for more of their designs in future.
I finished this one about 3 years ago.

One of three birth samplers I made for my sister. There are no
photos of the other two as they are with my nephew and neice now.

A couple of bookmarks.

Random drawings

I was going through my art stuff recently and came across some old sketches. I thought I'd share them - they are by far not the best I've ever done (I miss my charcoal!).

I drew this a couple of years ago during a

particulary dull lecture. Probably on cell membranes.

I was surprised to find that this one was drawn

ten years ago. It was when I was working on

various comic characters for a comic that I never

completed. About this time I had a few issues to

work through and my arts took a bit of a sabbatical

for many years. I wish I had kept up with my drawing,

and often wonder if I should have done art instead of

zoology at university. Never mind, can't change past

decisions, only the one's you're going to make!

'A clean house is a sign of a wasted life...'

...I couldn't agree more. Why do we bother?August


Sunday, 3 October 2010

The ugly t-bag

Below is my first attempt at a t-shirt bag. I concede that it is pretty rubbish, but I don't want to just blog my successes, especially as I just starting to machine sew. I think it will be nice to look back and (hopefully) see how far I've progressed.

The bag is made from an old t-shirt that I loved throughout my time at university, but when I joined the real world of work I started to feel a bit of a lay-about whenever I wore it. The bag didn't really go to plan, but it does the job and makes an ok vessel for small items!

Mermaid of the Pearls

After working on this cross stich on-and-off for ten years, I have finally finisher Miribilia's 'Mermaid of the Pearls.' I have to say I am very proud of this accomplishment as it is a very detailed and itricate design stitched on 32 count evenweave. It incorporates a range of techniques such as blending, fraction stitches, using metallic thread, backstitiching and copious amounts of beading. That is primarily why I chose the design as it taught me alot about cross-stitch. I have to admit, I was not originally that fond of the design but it has grown on me.

This project took me so long as I was working on several other designs at the same time. I find that it helps to have a few smaller things on the go when you have a large project - you can go a little cross-eyed with these intricate projects! I also completed a few larger projects, including three birth samplers for my sister.

So, without further pre-amble, here is 'Mermaid of the Pearls.'

Close-up of the mermaid's face detail and some beading

I am a bad blogger.

Wow, has it really been that long since my last post? A lot has been happening recently so at least I do have something to blog about, which may balance my blog-karma which is currently in arrears.

My parents acquired a new dog recently. They rehomed him as his previous owner had died. He's a gorgeous little dog (Sheltie, named Flash) who looks very eager to train.

Just look at the focus on his face!

It was my birthday last month and my rather fantastic husband bought me a tropical fish tank. I'm very excited about this as I used to be a keen aquarist when I was younger. I bred a range of fish before discarding the hobby in favour of other teenage endeavours. Photos will follow, but currently the tank is devoid of fish whilst it undergoes the nitrification cycle - A photo of gravel and plastic plants isn't that riveting.

I've made a few craft items, which have their own posts and Gareth has finished his Masters now, so the hunt for work begins for him.

I'm also currently weaning off my anti-depressants, which is less than fun. It's like being drunk but cheaper. It's hard to predict when the withdrawl symptoms will hit so during the day I will get dizzy, nauseous and confused at sporadic points. I don't think anyone has really noticed at work, which is a little discouraging!

So, update over with, I will forego the usual promises to blog more regulary, as clearly it's a platitude I cannot adhere to!

Sunday, 15 August 2010

Make do and mend!

I was inspired to attempt to extend the life of my clothes after following http://www.secondfiddlecrafts.blogspot.com/ (that and being skint), so I set about making a skirt from an old pair of jeans. These jeans were given to me by sister a few years ago, and they developed a hole in the crutch. I hope to get at least a few more months use out them. I used the instructions from www.savvyseams.com/clothing/jeanskirt.php as a guide and I have to say, I am quite pleased with the result:

I tried to replicate the existing seam pattern, but my

sewing machine couldn't handle the thick layers of fabric

so it kinda stops dead by the zip! I also got the tension wrong

on the hem, plus its in a different colour thread to the rest of the

stitching, but hey, it was my first attempt!

I'm attempting to bring back pale and ashen and make it chic.

(Excuse my bloated gut at the top of the photo).

Side view showing a faded area that used to be the 'knees'

of my old jeans.

They do look rather homemade, but I think they are fine for dossing about the house. Hopefully the next skirt I make from old jeans will come out a bit more professional!

Burnham on Sea dog show

Willow and Tangent both had running orders for this show, so it was a bit of a nightmare and I wasn't quite as laid-back as I'd like to have been!

Tangent was very focused throughout hisround. Love that boy!

Tangent was 9th in the running order for Beginners (dog and bitch). The judge was very pleasant and didn't mind me training the round. I was very happy with Tangent today. He was very motivated for his toy, was very focused and generally seemed to be having a whale of a time! His heelwork is coming along (well, as long as we avoid left-turns!) and he's starting to work much closer to my leg.

He wasn't this close during all his heelwork,

but I thought I would show his best position!

He proved entertaining with the retrieve excercise as he initially brought the dumb bell to the steward, probably because she was closer!

Willow drew 2nd in the running order for Novice, but I decided not to work her in this class as she didn't really seem herself (I've decided that working two classes with her is asking too much of the old girl now).

I worked Beginners with her and her heelwork was ok, although she was working quite far in front of me:

Top: Willow miles in front!

Bottom: She wasn't really concentrating;

it looks like she's out for a jolly little walk!

She was quite distracted throughout this round, and ended up anticipating her recall. By the time it came to the retrieve she had lost the plot somewhat and toddled out after the dumb bell when I threw it, stopped, looked around and caught site of a dog in another ring she took a disliking to and bolted after it. Fortunately her instant downs are pretty ace so I yelled "Down!" and she dropped. I tried training the rest of the round, but by now she was far too distracted so I ended it there.

I was not disappointed with Willow, just how it went! I think she is definately past her peak with Obedience and considering the 6 year gap in shows, I was happy with her.

Willow once again distracted! Excuse my

vast ass - going by the position of all the

surrounding dogs it looks like it has its own

gravitational pull!

Well, next show is 26 September, and with plenty to work on with both dogs, I will not be short of things to do! I suspect that the next show will be Willow's last one before she is retired completely as her arthritis is getting quite bad. As such, I hope our last show together will be fun, if not successful!

Wednesday, 4 August 2010


"I wanna go out!"
Whilst recovery from having the coil fitted, the dogs haven't been getting out much this week. This is a bit unfortunate as I have an obedience show with them this Sunday. Anyway, Tangent appears to have upped the ante in his campagn to get out and demanded an outing in no uncertain terms. This rather alarming view affords a good look at his teeth, and quite possibly his entire digestive tract.


Having missed my youngest niece's 1st birthday for a full week, I felt a handmade card would molify my guilt (I doubt my neice cares that I forgot, being 1 she hasn't a care in the world)!

I feel that I did cheat somewhat as the rabbit (or bunny, if you will) was just a stamp that I coloured. A-hem, moving on...