Sunday, 29 November 2009

End point

We viewed a second house yesterday... and we move in early next year! Whenever we go and view places we tend to verbally rip it to pieces so we are not blinkered re. any problems. However, we were struggling to find negatives with this one. It's such a relief to see an end point to our current living situation - even if it does mean we will be abandoning a lot of our stuff as we don't want to risk taking bugs with us.

Wednesday, 25 November 2009

When enough is enough

After putting up with a lot of issues with our house, which in isolation would be easier to cope with, we have decided to start looking for somewhere else to rent. Our minimum tenancy is almost up, and we are so depressed whilst here it's unreal. I actually feel worse returning home in the evening than arriving at work first thing in the morning! Skewed!!

The final straw came when we attempted to turn the heating on with no luck for 20mins. The heating has proven tempermental before in that once you turn it on, it is pretty much guaranteed to turn itself off again within an hour. As it's now November and getting cold, it ain't good! Especially as the heating unit is located in the bedbug-ridden dining room, so you have to strip off in the cold before even entering the room in case one of the blighters hitch-hike's its way to other rooms.
So, after waiting 2 months for the shower to finally get fixed; 5 months of waiting for the bathroom window to get fixed (still waiting!); co-existing with bedbugs that were already resident in the property before we were; the heating dying and the general state of neglect - although the latter we were happy to ingnore as tht's why the rent was so low - we have decided that enough is enough. It's even worth paying the letting agent administration fees again to get out of this house.
I am a concerned about moving during Gareth's Masters, but he has said that he finds it hard studying here anyway due to the atmosphere etc.

Tonight we are going to look at a house about 10mins drive from this one. I expect it will be smaller, but if it means that we will not be paranoid about every black speck of dust, it's worth it!

Thursday, 19 November 2009


I found a bedbug in the frontroom on one of the dogs' beds. That means that they have somehow survived about four fumigations, a hearty spray of RIP and migrated back into the frontroom from the dining room.
I'm just so low right now. I feel trapped here because we can't really move as we'd risk taking the problem with us and then it would be our financial concern to sort it. Plus, the hassle and cost of moving midway through Gareth's Masters is hardly fair. It's makes decisions regarding our future difficult too; I'm considering going into accountancy, but with all the problems with the house I barely have the motivation to even do basic internet research to find out if it's something I'm interested in (or have the capabilities to do).
I know I shouldn't take life so personally - the bedbugs were just bad luck and not a personal slight on me as an individual, but sometimes you just want to scream for a break!

Thursday, 12 November 2009


Once again, apologies for the long duration between posts!
There hasn't really been much going, hence the lack of blogging material! Tales of life working in a bank does not make for a gripping read.

Tangent has been going to the dog club up here for about 6 weeks now and he loves it! I'm quite relieved that he enjoys training as I was starting to wonder if he would take to the Obedience side of things or not. Turns out he was just a bit lazy; with the motivator of livercake and not being fed his meal till after training, that no longer poses an issue!

I'm just recovering from a stinking cold. Gareth would be the first to tell you that I don't do ill very well - I'm not ill very often, and this is the first cold I've had in about a year. I admit, I do not bear illness with grace! I can get pretty stroppy about the mildest of things. Although the irritation of not being able to run because of it is very genuine. It's been about 5 weeks since my last run, and I'm desparate to go running soon, but not keen to see how much fitness I've lost!