I've finished all of the requirements for last semesters' work - the oral exam was a nightmare. I was basically sat there blatantly making stuff up in front of the examiners. I now have to face my supervisor in this semesters' courses! Oh well. It's kinda wierd being back in lectures, especially as I can't really be arsed. Still, just another four months to go and I never have to worry about 'evolutionary stable strategies' or p-values again! Don't get me wrong, I have enjoyed the course, just getting a little fed up now. I feel that I'm behind people my age with regard to life - i.e. most have permanent jobs, homes etc. and I feel a bit immature by comparsion!
I have a wedding dress! My mum came up to be there for the appointment along with my best mate. I hadn't intended to order one that day, but I just fell in love with it and knew it was the one! I won't go into details in case Gareth reads this and I don't want to give anything away, but there will defiantly be photos after the wedding (6 months time!).
I haven't seem Mum properly for about a year, so the week she was up just went too quickly, especially as I still had uni to go to in between her visit. It was great seeing her again, and thankfully it didn't snow like it did when she last visited!